Introduction to database backup considerations.How microservices and monoliths impact the database.

Syncing development databases between team members.Troubleshooting database outages and connection issues.What is connection pooling and how does it work?.Top 8 TypeScript ORMs, query builders, & database libraries: evaluating type safety.Top 11 Node.js ORMs, query builders & database libraries in 2022.Introduction to MongoDB Aggregation Framework.Introduction to MongoDB database tools & utilities.Working with dates and times in MongoDB.Introduction to MongoDB connection URIs.How to query and filter documents in MongoDB.How to manage databases and collections in MongoDB.How to manage authorization and privileges in MongoDB.How to manage users and authentication in MongoDB.Introduction to provisioning MongoDB Atlas.How to export database and table schemas in SQLite.How to update existing data with SQLite.How to perform basic queries with `SELECT` with SQLite.Inserting and deleting data with SQLite.Creating and deleting databases and tables with SQLite.An introduction to MySQL column and table constraints.How to create and delete databases and tables in MySQL.An introduction to PostgreSQL column and table constraints.An introduction to PostgreSQL data types.How to create and delete databases and tables in PostgreSQL.How to configure a PostgreSQL database on RDS.Comparing relational and document databases.Glossary of common database terminology.Comparing database types: how database types evolved to meet different needs.